Wearyall Hill - Pilgrimage in Glastonbury
Wearyall Hill (Wirral Hill) is a long narrow ridge to the south west of Glastonbury. It's summit offers views across to Glastonbury Tor and the Somerset levels to one side, the town to another. It is on this hill that the legend of the Glastonbury Holy Thorn begins.
Glastonbury Thorn - Wikipedia
The "original" Glastonbury thorn was cut down and burned as a relic of superstition during the English Civil War, and one planted on Wearyall Hill in 1951 to replace it had its branches cut off in 2010.
Glastonbury Way Day Pilgrimage - British Pilgrimage Trust
Holy Thorn/Wearyall Hill. When Joseph of Arimathea arrived in Glastonbury, he thrust his pilgrim staff into the ground and said to his companions, ‘friends, we are weary all’ (hence the name Wirral, or Wearyall Hill).
Glastonbury Chalice Well, White Spring & Wearyall Hill
Wearyall Hill is a long narrow ridge to the south west of Glastonbury. On the hill is the Holy Thorn. The original was said to have blossomed from the staff of Joseph of Arimathea whom legend says he visited Glastonbury, (see our Glastonbury myths and legends page).
The Glastonbury Thorn: St. Joseph of Arimathea
At the top of another, smaller hill – which later became known as Wearyall Hill – the travellers stopped and Joseph thrust his staff into the ground. The next morning the staff had sprouted into a white-blossomed thorn bush.
Wearyall Hill – Glastonbury Online
Wearyall Hill. It is here that Joseph of Arimathea is said to have placed his staff in the ground when he landed all-wear from his journey from the Holy Land. His staff sprouted and became the Holy Thorn. The hill is open to the public. The Holy Thorn was vandalised in December 2010. more information about Wearyall Hill
Glastonbury Thorn revisited - Botany Karen
Dec 17, 2021 · Wearyall Hill. After visiting the Abbey, I walked to Wearyall Hill the site of the original, legendary Glastonbury Thorn. Unfortunately, a Holy Thorn no longer grows there. It was vandalised. I was not even able to see a trunk with ribbons as shown in my previous blog.
In Insula Avalonia - Wearyall Hill and the Holy Thorn - Blogger
Wearyall Hill is, of course, home to one of Glastonbury’s most ancient treasures – the Holy Thorn. Across the street from the Safeway, you can climb up Wearyall’s gentle slope to see a hawthorn tree known as the Glastonbury Thorn, or ‘Holy Thorn’.
Wearyall Hill | Robbins Library Digital Projects
Wearyall Hill, which can be seen from Glastonbury Tor, is said to be the spot where a weary Joseph of Arimathea landed when he arrived in England with the Holy Grail. According to legend, he stuck his staff in the ground of this hill and it sprouted branches and leaves, transforming into the Glastonbury Thorn.
Glastonbury: Wearyall Hill © Mr Eugene Birchall cc-by-sa/2.0 ...
Mar 11, 2012 · This Hill is a long narrow ridge to the south west of Glastonbury. On the hill is the Holy Thorn. The original was said to have blossomed from the staff of Joseph of Armithea whom legend says visited Glastonbury.
Particulations: The Wirral Park Roundabout Mystery
May 4, 2016 · The A361 runs along one side of the hill, meeting the A39 at the Wirral Park Roundabout, which sports a distinctive megalithic-style stone at its centre. Alongside the mythic hill and standing stone, the roundabout is a super-modern non-place nexus.
Glastonbury Myths and Legends: Holy Grail, Thorn Tree, and More
Jun 18, 2020 · Today, the special species of twice-blooming hawthorn can still be seen in Glastonbury. It’s called the Glastonbury Thorn or the Holy Thorn. And the hill where it first grew and where Joseph rested became known as Wearyall Hill – …
The Holy Thorn: In Glastonbury, England, a ... - Catholic News Agency
Dec 26, 2023 · The remains of the Holy Thorn tree on Wearyall Hill with Glastonbury Town in the background. | Avalon Dreaming / Shutterstock
The Glastonbury Thorn: a resurrected symbol of Christmas
Mar 9, 2025 · The remains of the Holy Thorn tree on Wearyall Hill with Glastonbury Town in the background. Avalon Dreaming / Shutterstock. Fittingly, a new tree was planted in September in Glastonbury, with shoots taken from the vandalized thorn.
Wearyall Hill - AFAR
Feb 22, 2016 · Hacked down by vandals in 2010, Glastonbury’s Holy Thorn has a 2,000 year religious heritage---it’s believed to have been brought to Glastonbury by Joseph of Arimathea who legend has it traveled to Wearyall Hill after Christ was crucified. Once there, he stuck his staff in the ground, which sprouted into a thorn tree.
EBK: Magical Glastonbury by Geoffrey Ashe - Early British Kingdoms
Near the Tor is the smooth dome of Chalice Hill. Wearyall Hill is a long narrow ridge pointing toward the Bristol Channel. Windmill Hill, on the side facing the cathedral city of Wells, is less clearly defined and covered with houses. Below are the ruins of a great medieval abbey.
The Glastonbury Holy Thorn - Caught by the River
Jul 3, 2021 · A new tree was planted on Wearyall Hill in 1951 on the original site and in 1965 the Queen erected a wooden cross at Glastonbury with the inscription: ‘The cross, the symbol of our faith, the gift of Queen Elizabeth II, marks a Christian sanctuary so ancient that only legend can record its origin.’.
The Holy Thorn: In Glastonbury, England, a special hawthorn tree …
Dec 26, 2023 · The remains of the Holy Thorn tree on Wearyall Hill with Glastonbury Town in the background. Credit: Avalon Dreaming/Shutterstock. Fittingly, a new tree was planted in September 2022 in Glastonbury, with shoots taken from the vandalized thorn.
The holy thorn has become part of the legend of Joseph of Arimathea. According to this story, when Joseph arrived in Glastonbury with his twelve companions he climbed Wearyall Hill, whose name derives from his proclaiming ‘we are weary all’. He …
Glastonbury's famous Holy Thorn was 'removed by landowner'
May 28, 2019 · However, Glastonbury Town Council has said in a statement today (May 28) that the tree on Wearyall Hill was intentionally removed by the owner of the land. The Holy Thorn in Glastonbury after...