Military Order of the World Wars
Welcome to the MOWW Store. Become a Member. MOWW chapters provide opportunities to support veterans of all ranks and service, youth patriotic education, college ROTC and high school JROTC, Scouting, monuments and memorials, public safety/law & order, national and homeland security programs, and stimulate love of our country and flag.
History of The Military Order® - Military Order of the World Wars
During World War II, the Order’s name was changed to “The Military Order of the World Wars.” One of the Order’s greatest tasks over the years has been promoting patriotism, good citizenship, and individual responsibility.
About MOWW - Military Order of the World Wars
The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) is a patriotic, nonpartisan, Veterans Service Organization (VSO) dedicated to promoting patriotism, civic responsibility, public service, and leadership in our nation’s communities.
Commander-in-Chief Welcome - Military Order of the World Wars …
The Military Order of the World Wars helps strengthen our nation by teaching our young men and women that patriotism is a virtue and that America is a land made richer by our Patriots’ noble sacrifices”.
Find a Chapter - Military Order of the World Wars - MOWW
MOWW Chapter Directory Below is our map of chapters. Please click on the marker to find the chapter's name and contact information. You may also choose a region from the drop-down to view that area only. More information will be uploaded in the coming months. Choose A Region: -- All Regions -- At-Large Chapters Region
ROTC & JROTC Program - Military Order of the World Wars
MOWW's ROTC Award of Merit Program MOWW's ROTC Award of Merit Program recognizes cadet excellence by MOWW Companions presenting MOWW Award of Merit Sets at ROTC/JROTC awards ceremonies. Detachments should contact MOWW chapters nearest their location for support. (Headquarters MOWW supports detachments not near MOWW chapters and those overseas.) Find an MOWW Chapter MOWW ROTC
ROTC & JROTC Awards - Military Order of the World Wars - MOWW
Become a Member. MOWW chapters provide opportunities to support veterans of all ranks and service, youth patriotic education, college ROTC and high school JROTC, Scouting, monuments and memorials, public safety/law & order, national and homeland security programs, and stimulate love of our country and flag.
The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) proudly supports Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) and Junior ROTC (JROTC) recognition programs. This includes providing an embossed MOWW award certificate
The Military Order of the World Wars is a nonprofit Veterans organization composed of U. S. Federally recognized Commissioned Officers, including Warrant Officers, who are citizens of the United States of good moral character and repute who are serving, or …
Youth Leadership Conference Schedule - Military Order of the …
Please find the schedule of 2025 Youth Leadership Conferences (YLCs) below. * Marked items will not occur this year. DATESYLC CODEYLC NAMELocationYLC Director & PhoneYLC Director EmailYLC Website February 28 - March 1, 2025AUGYLCAugusta YLCTrinity on the Hill United Methodist Church Augusta, GA LTC Gary O. Engen, USA (Ret) (706) [email protected] February 28 – March