I made a guide on how to spot fake Pokemon games : r/pokemon
Oct 23, 2021 · Kinda like the end of some TV remotes. Personally, I have never seen a fake of these six that were not in a gray cartridge. (TL;DR: If any of these six games are in a gray cartridge, they are most certainly fake.) [2: Shiny labels] HG/SS and all of the GBA games have shiny/metallic labels, though this can be hard to see in some eBay photos.
What are the issues with fake pokemon games (from like ... - Reddit
Mar 21, 2021 · Nowdays its hard to get OG games, and i want to buy a gameboy so i can play with my gf and trade with her, here is where the title comes up. Ive heard saves can delete themself, and some people say you can trade, some say you cant, but all posts are 5+ years old so probably something changed.
Spotting Fake DS Pokemon games: Things I wish I didn't learn
Nov 17, 2013 · When you're looking at GBA games, especially ones that are colored like all GBA pokemon games, Make sure the color is matching with a stock photo. Many bootleg FR/LG cartridges have Ruby/Emerald coloring rather than the normal, which is a sure sign. Not sure of alternate coloring on the Hoenn games, maybe someone else knows.
How to spot fake Pokemon Games : r/pokemon - Reddit
Wow I didn’t even consider that fake DS games would exist for some reason. Yeah that’s probably your best bet. You could get one of those R4 card type things and stick Platinum on it if you don’t want to take the risk. They can interact fully with the …
Are Fake Pokemon games worth it? : r/pokemon - Reddit
Dec 7, 2022 · I always see fake ones on sell on eBay and Amazon and was wondering and their good to play. Are there recommended fake sellers? I tried looking for some direction but most posts just talk about validating the quality of the cartridge itself and not the gaming experience. I realize that the games won’t be compatible with others, I just want to ...
r/pokemon on Reddit: Is it possible for a non authentic GBA game …
Oct 22, 2015 · There are many intended features that will erase your fake games save because in the code of the game if anything becomes corrupted it defaults to erase, and the hardware while able to play the game is in small ways inferior to the legit games simply because the components for the legit games that differ from a generic cart are made solely for ...
Are fake pokemon GBA games ok or no : r/gameverifying - Reddit
Aug 11, 2023 · Now are fake pokemon games bad or just not as desirable for collectors. I mostly would want just the game in itself I don't care if it's fake or do fake cartridges hurt your game boy. I've also seen the legend of Zelda Oracle games normally for gbc but I've seen some gba ones are they fine or will they hurt my gb.
Can fake gen 5 games trade with real ones? : r/pokemonribbons
Apr 22, 2021 · I believe it depends on the fake. I know ive seen on here people saying that they have fakes of gen 3 or 4 games, that work perfectly well and interact with real games as they should. But personally I own a fake gen 3 game, (got it by mistake), and features like transferring from Gen 3 to 4 and increased wild pokemon in gen 4 by having a gen 3 ...
Can fake Pokemon games still, transfer Pokemon to official …
Jul 27, 2023 · Gen 5 to 6? No. Alternatively if you have a save file backup device (gbxcart/joeyjr for gba games, or a homebrewed 3DS or dsi running checkpoint or godmode9i respectively for ds games) you can back up your save files and use pkhex on your computer to transfer Pokémon.
Trading with Reproduction Carts : r/pokemonribbons - Reddit
Dec 2, 2020 · I have a fake BG and a fake Diamond and I can confirm that you can't transfer between them. It's the BG, that looses Data as soon as it is put into the GBA slot in a DS (I have the same problem with a fake Harvest Moon, which otherwise works fine). But trading between a legit Gen 3 and a counterfeit Gen 4 is perfectly possible (at least in my case.