Color palettes - color schemes to inspire | Canva Colors
Browse thousands of color combinations on Canva and create your own designs without hiring a designer. It's free!
Color palette generator | Canva Colors
Want a color scheme that perfectly matches your favorite images? With Canva’s color palette generator, you can create color combinations in seconds. Simply upload a photo, and we’ll use the hues in the photo to create your palette.
100 color combination ideas and examples | Canva
100 inspiring color combinations (+ free color palette generator) Whether you need a logo or a resume, you can create beautiful designs with countless color combinations in seconds. Create a design (opens in a new tab or window)
Color names, hex codes, color schemes and tools | Canva Colors
Generate the perfect color palette and learn about color meanings with Canva's collection of colors and free color tools.
Free and customizable color templates - Canva
Elegant Brand Mompreneurs Color Palette Instagram Post. Instagram Post by Pure Template
Color Combination Earthy Chic - Canva's Design Wiki
Get inspired by color combination Earthy Chic and create a design. Completely free and completely online.
25 perfect wedding color combinations - Canva
To help you out, we’ve gathered 25 color palettes taken from some of the most inspiring wedding invitations (opens in a new tab or window) online. We’ve also included the HEX color codes below each image.
30 examples of pastel colors - Canva
Have you ever heard the saying “too much of a good thing?” Well, that’s definitely true when it comes to pastels. Too many pastels in one color palette can feel too saccharine; balance pastels out with neutrals or bolder pops of color to stop them from feeling overly sweet.
Everything about the color Pastel Green - Canva
What color is pastel green? Pastel green is pale, delicate shade of green. To make pastel green paint, first mix blue and yellow together. Next, stir in some white paint to lighten the color—there’s no exact ratio for how much white paint to add, just keep mixing until you reach pastel green’s soft hue. What is the color code for pastel ...
Color Combination Modern Pastel Life - Canva's Design Wiki
Get inspired by color combination Modern Pastel Life and create a design. Completely free and completely online.