Green Kingfisher ⋆ Tucson Audubon
The little emerald beauty that is the Green Kingfisher is a rare Southeast Arizona specialty bird that can also be found in Texas, but it’s a common species throughout most of its range that extends down through South America nearly to Patagonia.
Belted Kingfisher | Audubon Field Guide
The Belted Kingfisher is often first noticed by its wild rattling call as it flies over rivers or lakes. It may be seen perched on a high snag, or hovering on rapidly beating wings, then plunging headfirst into the water to grab a fish.
Arizona has good numbers of breeding Belted Kingfishers in the northern parts of the state. In Maricopa County, this bird is present from fall through all of winter, and continuing through spring. It is very common in the county during these timeframes, and can be found near any large pond, marsh, river, and often canals.
Green Kingfisher - All About Birds
In bright sunlight the Green Kingfisher sparkles like an emerald, but it is easy to overlook along dense, shaded streams where it forages for fish. It is a small, green-and-white kingfisher with an impressively large bill, and typically much less conspicuous than the noisy Belted Kingfisher.
Green kingfisher - Wikipedia
The green kingfisher (Chloroceryle americana) is a species of "water kingfisher" in the subfamily Cerylinae of the family Alcedinidae. It is found from southern Texas in the United States south through Central America, and in every mainland South American country except Chile.
Green Kingfisher | Audubon Field Guide
Recently has begun nesting locally in southern Arizona, spreading north from adjacent Mexico. Climate Map Audubon’s scientists have used 140 million bird observations and sophisticated climate models to project how climate change will affect the range of the Green Kingfisher.
Green Kingfisher Sightings Map - All About Birds
Females have two neat green bands across the breast; males have a contrasting rust-red chest. The Green Kingfisher barely makes it into the United States in southern Arizona and Texas, but its range extends south through South America, nearly to Patagonia.
Green Kingfisher Identification - All About Birds
In bright sunlight the Green Kingfisher sparkles like an emerald, but it is easy to overlook along dense, shaded streams where it forages for fish. It is a small, green-and-white kingfisher with an impressively large bill, and typically much less conspicuous than the noisy Belted Kingfisher.
Discovering the 13 Vibrant Green Birds of Arizona’s Varied …
Feb 18, 2024 · The green kingfisher is known for its vibrant green and blue feathers, often iridescent in the sunlight. It typically feeds on small fish, insects, and crustaceans, which it catches in mid-air dives. The green kingfisher is currently listed as “Least Concern” by the IUCN, but its numbers may decrease due to habitat loss and pollution.
Green Kingfisher Bird: Profile, Traits, Facts, Range, Diet, Size
The Green Kingfisher, while considered unusual and native in southern Texas, occupies a somewhat variable status in the regions of extreme southeastern and south-central Arizona, ranging from uncommon to informal sightings.
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