The 'Fast & Furious' franchise helmer's new film relates the true-life tale of a young man who met his doom while attempting ...
Following the destruction of the California wildfires, FAST & FURIOUS's Vin Diesel confirmed that filming for FAST X: PART 2 ...
Golf N’ Stuff isn’t just any old amusement park – it’s a portal to the past, a slice of Americana that’s managed to survive ...
Why The Rock refused to star alongside A-list co-star Vin Diesel for years after a public feud between the pair got ugly ...
It won the Golden Globe for its Cinematic and Box Office Achievement this year, and in addition to that, the movie received ...
Saving Private Ryan rewrote the rulebook on war films, helping Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, and Vin Diesel gain recognition and build their net worths.