Large swastikas were found spray painted onto a Sacramento school on Monday, prompting a police investigation.
A former Disney World employee admitted to hacking menus to change allergy info and add swastikas after he was fired from the ...
Two synagogues in Sydney were defaced on consecutive days with swastikas and other antisemitic language.
A neo-Nazi satanist is facing jail for encouraging girls to kill themselves and self-harm. Cameron Finnigan, 19, joined a ...
A synagogue in Sydney was daubed in antisemitic graffiti on Friday (January 10), police said, the latest in a spate of ...
West Linn leaders issue proclamation against hate after swastikas found carved on mailbox, as Jewish residents share ...
UW has agreed on a resolution after a year-long investigation into how the school responds to discrimination complaints was concluded.
The latest incident saw swastikas painted on a footpath in the town. Shropshire Council said it had reported several ...
Large swastikas were found spray painted on the exterior of a Sacramento school on Monday, prompting a police investigation.
The symbol was very common in the Middle Ages and was used by cultures across the world before it was appropriated by German ...