Demand for the maternity packages has decreased much more than anticipated, according to benefits agency Kela.
Russian newspaper Kommersant listed Bäckman and 14 others receiving Russian citizenship by decree of President Vladimir Putin ...
The company said the job losses are necessary in order to improve the "profitability and competitiveness of the business ...
Finland is the EU's second most violent country for women, according to the bloc's survey on gender-based violence against ...
Military exports accounted for some 192 million euros of the total, with the rest consisting of civilian weapon exports.
Temperatures will climb to about 12 degrees Celsius in some parts of the country this week, although showers and strong winds ...
On Monday, spot market electricity prices are exceptionally low, even dropping into negative territory, reports Ilta-Sanomat, ...
While still sought-after in the early 2000s, few people today want to stash their valuables in the bowels of their bank.
Kokenut Erik Haula on rakentanut monien vaikeuksien jälkeen upean uran, kirjoittaa Yle Urheilun NHL-toimittaja Tommi Seppälä.
Tampereen valtuustossa ei nähty tällä kertaa samanlaista ratikkavääntöä kuin vuoden 2016 legendaarisessa kokouksessa.
Kuopion Palloseuran toimitusjohtaja Tomi Erola näki itsekin lauantaina, kuinka savu ja soihdut lentelivät KuPSin ja HJK:n ...
Ulkopoliittisen instituutin johtavan tutkijan Sinikukka Saaren mukaan Venäjän syyt vaikuttaa Moldovan sunnuntaisiin vaaleihin ...