Passend zu Titel und Inhalt der Gesänge kam der Messias wie eine Eingebung zu Georg Friedrich Händel. In einer Schaffenskrise des Oratorienmeisters entstand das Werk in nur 24 Tagen und markierte ...
For athletes:from all over the world are celebrating a special anniversary this weekend: The Berlin Marathon is turning 50 and will once again attract around 45,000 participants this year.000 ...
The artist Mio Okido (*1986 in the city of Sado, Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture, Japan; lives and works in Berlin since 2015) is presenting four new works. They were inspired by her artist residency ...
Das Werk von Karl Friedrich Schinkel ist derart vielgestaltig, dass es bis heute, trotz aller Forschungen und verlegerischen Tätigkeiten nicht restlos aufgearbeitet ist. Im Bereich der Architektur ...
Why am I not allowed to take my wet umbrella into the exhibition? What does climate and air conditioning in the museum have to do with conservation and restoration? Restorer Nina Loschwitz answers ...
Craft workshop as part of the exhibition "Sweating & Freezing". The exhibition "Sweating & Freezing" for children aged 2 to 12 offers a diverse journey of discovery on topics such as health promotion, ...
With the spiral-shaped stage untitled 2024 (demo station no. 8), offering space for daily public performances, the atrium of the Gropius Bau becomes a place where people can come together and spend ...
Das Handy eine Blackbox. Jeans ein Beweismittel. Ein Wohnzimmer als Asservatenkammer. Die Welt ist ein großer Tatort. Und die Welt ist zu Gast in Kreuzberg. Die Berliner Compagnie lädt ein zum Lachen, ...
Mit der spiralförmigen Bühne untitled 2024 (demo station no. 8), die täglich Raum für öffentliche Vorführungen bietet, wird der Lichthof des Gropius Bau zu einem Ort, an dem Menschen zusammenkommen ...
In the middle of the Bosnian War in 1993, Bekir Hasanović traded a gold coin for a camera. He took the pictures together with his improvised crew called Dzon, Ben & Boys. When the director Ado ...
From April to December on the first Sunday of the month, and during the Berlin summer holidays (18 July–30 August) and autumn holidays (21 October–2 November) every Sunday, search games are available ...
Only the band name is catchy here. Breakneck runs, daring technique, full steam ahead - the songs of this band are an adventure for musicians and listeners alike. BLUME plays with such intensity that ...