The British Columbia election has turned out to be a nail-biter. Throughout the four-week campaign, the polls predicted a very close race between the incumbent NDP led by David Eby and a newly ...
Australia’s proposal to bar young people from social media faces similar issues to the ‘clean feed’ internet filter abandoned in 2012.
Calculations based on the mix of electric and fossil-fuelled cars actually on our roads show any difference in mass is too small to be significant.
Executive function delays affect skills such as as paying attention, switching attention, controlling impulses and problem-solving. They’re common in a range of conditions but are treated as separate.
Installing high-filtration air conditioning would cut the spread of airborne viruses and save more than $1 billion per year.
Light helps explains the evolution of our skin colour, why some of us have curly hair, and the size of our eyes. And light still shapes us today.
A Queensland tribunal has ruled it is not discriminatory for a school to require girls to wear a skirt at formal events.
Le mystère qui plane autour des circonstances de l'accident d'avion qui en 1961 a coûté la vie au Secrétaire général de l’ONU Dag Hammarskjöld et à tous ceux qui se trouvaient à bord alors qu'il tenta ...
« L'espoir et l'attente sont que tant que la guerre durera, nous continuerons à fournir de l'aide humanitaire. Et cela devient de plus en plus difficile car nous recevons de moins en moins de ...
As businesses continue to experiment with AI, it’s essential to strike a balance between leveraging AI’s efficiency while ensuring human judgment remains central to the innovation process.
Outsiders may find it disconcerting to hear the religious references, whether sincere or opportunistic, that have been working their way into U.S. political discourse since the Reagan years, including ...
Campbell’s story serves as a reminder of the challenges women coaches face, but it also demonstrates how achieving a coaching role in a professional league, though difficult, is not insurmountable.