Waterhouse started his own practice in Manchester in 1853, his first major work, Manchester Town Hall, opening in 1877. He went on to design many significant public buildings, including the Natural ...
A loyal follower of George Canning, Huskisson held a series of minor political offices before being appointed President of the Board of Trade (1823-27). On Canning's death he became leader of the ...
Born in Geneva to French parents. His father became a professor at the Royal Military College in Sandhurst, and the family moved to England. In 1797, Chalon enrolled at the Royal Academy schools. He ...
The second daughter of Oliver Cromwell, and his favourite child, Elizabeth Claypole is supposed to have exercised a moderating influence on him. She married John Claypole, a leading Parliamentarian in ...
Alongside the Presdient Paul Kruger, Piet Joubert was a leader of Boer resistance against the British during the war. Kruger would be elected President of the Transvaal Republic in 1883, and go on to ...
Emmet was the quintessential Irish republican hero. His Dublin insurrection on 23 July 1803 ended in failure but his fame rests on his defence in court rather than his actions.
Despite childhood illnesses and lack of formal education, Caroline Herschel defied contemporary expectations by becoming a celebrated astronomer. Her achievements include preparing an index to ...