The campaign, created and produced by The Berry, features an animated film that shows a giant Furby stomping around London, with a POV shot showing the new Heydude x Furby Wendy shoes. A giant ...
Unrestricted access to all The Information and The Knowledge content Access to Campaign's in-depth features and coveted ...
The Berry is the team behind the campaign which is to launch the collaboration between Furby and shoe brand Hey Dude.
Weeks later, no shoes came and she realized she had been conned by a fake website. Fake clearance sites are becoming a more ...
Williams Trading downgraded Crocs Inc (NASDAQ:CROX) to "Hold" from "Buy" and cut its price target to $112 from $127 given weakening trends in the flagship Crocs brand and continued softness in HEYDUDE ...
Williams Trading analyst adjusted the firm's stance on shares of Crocs (NASDAQ:CROX), downgrading the stock rating from Buy to Hold and revising the price target down to $112 from the previous $126.
As previously reported, Williams Trading downgraded Crocs (CROX) to Hold from Buy with a price target of $112, down from $127. Crocs trends are ...