You may feel a bit more cautious and negative today as Mercury moves into Capricorn. It’s time to get serious and lay out ...
Your challenge today is to have faith that you’re lovable as you are. You don’t crumble when the going gets tough; if ...
Moon Alert: Caution! Avoid shopping or big decisions from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. EST today (10 a.m. to 4 p.m. PST). After that, the Moon moves from Cancer into Leo. Happy Birthday for Tuesday, Dec. 17 ...
Moon Alert: There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Taurus. Happy Birthday for Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024: You like harmony in your surroundings. You’re a ...
You are loved, sweet Pisces. While you find solace in being alone because there is no fear of spending time with yourself, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a social side. By Mercury shifting ...
Embrace innovative ways to capture the attention of someone new, dear Aries. You will become bolder with the infusion of Taurus energy today. Use this boldness to become more creative in how you ...
Comparison often steals joy, and today, it serves as a reminder. Try not to fixate too much on what others are doing, as it may diminish the excitement of your own experiences. Remember that your ...
If you go for easy pickings today, you won’t be satisfied. When the moon in your seductive eighth house squares Mars (retrograde) in your convivial eleventh, be careful not to interpret initial ...
You’re used to looking outward and engaging with other people, but as mental Mercury dips into Capricorn and your sensitive fourth house today, your attention will go within. Tune in to your own ...
Sagittarius, get ready for a stellar day! Opportunities abound in your career and personal life. Your confidence attracts positive attention, making it a perfect time for new ventures ...