A few years ago, I got into an argument with a friend about religion. The question we tussled over: Would America be better ...
Trump's cuts to the Department of Education are part of a nearly long crusade by conservative Christian groups.
Trump's cuts to the Department of Education are part of a nearly long crusade by conservative Christian groups.
A staunch champion of pluralism, he was described in Time magazine as “the most influential living interpreter of religion in ...
Millions of Americans have switched religions over the course of their lives, and most say their religiousness or spirituality has generally shifted too. Religious Landscape Study by Pew Research ...
The equal rulers returned England to Protestant rule and began a new era of royal leadership defined by parliamentary oversight Sarah Holzmann William and Mary had a relatively short reign, but ...
Nativists thought foreigners and “religious diversity — especially Catholicism” — threatened Protestantism. Their support “is a reminder that federalizing education inevitably ...