The city of Portland has ordered two landlords to pay $34,000 in overcharged rent to tenants after the landlords were found ...
A jury convicted Repp last October on 55 of 56 counts, chiefly of first-degree arson and reckless endangerment.
REACH Community Development is looking to sell its entire portfolio of scattered site homes in Southeast Portland.
The arsonist who intentionally set fire to a southwest Portland apartment complex will spend the next 16 years behind bars.
Redfern Properties wants to build more than 500 market-rate apartments in Bayside, but the economic climate would have to ...
Property management companies are facing scrutiny over living conditions at several affordable housing sites in Portland, as ...
PORTLAND, Ore. — A man convicted of burning down a 113-year-old Southwest Portland apartment building in 2023 is expected to ...
The Portland Police Bureau publicly identified the man shot to death March 9 in the Hazelwood neighborhood as Kevin Rhinehart ...
A Portland man who has lived in a Safe Rest Village for more than a year is still facing hurdles as he struggles to get into ...
Portland’s City Council is considering a ban on the use of algorithms to set rents, a practice that’s grown common among landlords who subscribe to real estate data services but which critics say ...
The upside for developers, according to CoStar: A dearth of new apartments means the vacancy rate, running about 7.5%, has ...
Three months ago, when children’s book artist Makenzie McCarthy moved into her one-bedroom Portland apartment, she described ...