The Kennedy library which sits on Columbia Point in Boston announced on social media it was 'temporarily closed until further ...
After hearing from Maureen Arndt, Founding Principal for 720 Design, on the space options for the Northeast Regional branch, Robert Judge, Lafayette Public Library Board of Control member, made a ...
Sid Edwards' library plan is a bad idea. But if it ignites a serious commitment to solve Baton Rouge's problems, it's a ...
Fears have been raised over the future of library services in the town amid Warrington Borough Council’s cost-cutting proposals.
On Thursday, the library system released its 2025-2030 Strategic Plan that was developed with input from community members, stakeholders, and staff. The plan focuses on six priorities: revitalizing ...
An open discussion gave people a chance to learn more about James Monroe’s Highland and the history of enslaved people in ...
Alice Knapp, chief executive officer for the Ferguson Library, said the temporary space will open during the last week of ...
Excitement filled the halls of Sandel Elementary as Cocky’s Reading Express rolled in with a mission: to give away 20,000 ...
In phone interviews, Thanars and Branton expressed diverging views on how to approach access to library materials for ...
With every move to a new city, my family’s first action to acclimate to our new community was signing up for a free library card at the local library. As a lifelong library patron, I am writing ...
The numbers are in — staff at the Lee-Itawamba Library System are celebrating a record year of program attendance and other key performance indicators measuring the library’s impact and success over ...