Cleanup efforts at Hillside and Greenwood cemeteries in Platteville will be held beginning April 7. To save flowers or other decorations, remove them by April 6. Flowers and decorations may again be ...
World War II veteran Medgar Evers, whom President Trump called “a great American hero,” has been erased from the Arlington ...
Trees are being carefully removed at Slidell's historic Greenwood Cemtery under a $60K program to remove and replace ...
Capture striking photographs of the gorgeous grounds and statuary of The Green-Wood Cemetery with the expert guidance of ...
LEAVENWORTH, Kan. (KCTV) - The Greenwood Cemetery in Leavenworth is home to hundreds of headstones, some seen and some hidden ...
The annual spring cleanup at Muscatine Greenwood Cemetery is in progress. Cemetery staff request that all grave decorations ...
The Marshall City Council recently authorized the city manager to finalize and execute a contract in an amount not to exceed $50,000 to Canseco Lawn & Tree for the maintenance ...
The annual spring cleanup at Muscatine Greenwood Cemetery is in progress. Cemetery staff request that all grave decorations be removed by the end of the day on Saturday, March 15, a news release ...
Green-Wood, founded in 1838, was a leader in the Rural Cemetery movement in America. Its 478 acres encompass magnificent grounds, grand architecture, and world-class statuary. Throughout four ...
Before she died in March 2014 at age 57, Keene-Laskowski made an agreement with her sister that they’d both be buried in a family plot at Greenwood Cemetery in Boonton. “I had other ...
In 2013, Carlo’s relatives attempted to repatriate another ancestor, Timothy Pitka—Lucy’s brother— from Greenwood Hills Cemetery in Portland. But Pitka’s grave was empty when his relatives opened it, ...
That is the location of Greenwood Cemetery. According to the news release, Sawatzky was driving a 2014 Chevrolet Silverado when he failed to stop at a stop sign at County Road 185. The sheriff’s ...