To tackle the problem, French President Emmanuel Macron announced a list of projects on Tuesday 28 January. These include moving The Mona Lisa, the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
Nineteenth-century art critics were troubled by vampirism and gender ambiguity in Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous painting.
French President Emmanuel Macron announced Tuesday a new ... along with a new home for Leonardo Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa." The painting's new "special place" will be built in the Carré courtyard ...
proposed moving its most popular artwork—Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa—to its own subterranean room. Now, that idea is becoming reality. As French President Emmanuel Macron announced this ...
French President Emmanuel Macron announced Tuesday that the ... Macron said in a speech from the Louvre room where Leonardo ...
French President Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday that the Louvre ... Macron said the massive overhaul would include a "special space" for Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece and a brand-new museum ...
French president Emmanuel Macron announced Tuesday that the Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci's masterpiece and one of the most iconic artworks in the world, would soon be moved to a new exhibition space.
(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 28 - The Mona Lisa will have a new room in he Louvre with independent access, French President Emmanuel ... announced Macron in front of Leonardo Da Vinci's masterpiece as ...
PARIS (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron announced Tuesday that the ... Macron said in a speech from the room where Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece is displayed. Macron didn't disclose ...