Congress returns to Washington on Monday after a week-long recess that featured controversial moves from the White House, ...
Trump's executive agenda has stalled in the courts, but Congress could enact legislation that would be more difficult to ...
A House Republican pushing the Trump administration's government efficiency efforts has called for dismantling and defunding ...
Sen. Michael Bennet, a Colorado Democrat, dodged a question about Schumer being replaced as leader last week, before pivoting ...
Troy Sander, a Kansas cattle producer and president of the Kansas Livestock Association, appeared before the House ...
When the House of Representatives was sworn in on January 3, Brittany Pettersen was pushing her luck in being there.
The most recent formal vote on a congressional term limits bill occurred in 1997. The bill proposed limiting House members to ...
Members of the House and Senate went home for their first full week of combined recess since the start of the year, and their staff had the run of Washington.
The Supreme Court seems closely divided over a challenge to Louisiana’s congressional map, which added a second Black ...
Texas' 18th Congressional District is currently without representation following the consecutive deaths of two former U.S.
Top executives from the public media networks are bracing for a hearing on Wednesday organized by Representative Marjorie ...
White House concedes intel leaks  House GOP eyes hearings, bills about judges Enemies Act against migrants may turn on ...