Others said they tuned out the inauguration altogether. More than a dozen interviews with Americans nationwide indicated that the country remains polarized even as Trump in his inaugural address ...
Thousands of Israelis gathered in Hostages Square in Tel Aviv, some cheering and some in tears, as a giant television screen broadcast the first glimpse of the first three hostages to be released ...
President Donald Trump on Monday pardoned about 1,500 people who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in a sweeping gesture of support to the people who assaulted police as they tried to prevent ...
Negotiators are zeroing in on a potential deal to resolve one of the most explosive questions looming over Syria's future: the fate of Kurdish forces that the U.S. considers key allies against Islamic ...
Thousands of Donald Trump's supporters packed a Washington arena on Sunday to celebrate his victory, a day before the president-elect returns to power with plans to aggressively reshape U.S.
The U.S. Commerce Department and FBI are both investigating a little-known telecoms hardware firm founded by senior Huawei veterans in China over possible security risks, sources and documents show.
Wildfires that devastated neighbourhoods across Los Angeles have provided fresh motivation for critics of the 2028 Games and complicated the effort to host the world's biggest sporting event, but ...
香港綠色建築議會有6,600多名從業員資料外洩, 並被人在暗網出售, 已經報警及通報個人資料私隱專員公署. 機構指在周二獲悉事件, 經初步調查, 懷疑是外判服務供應商的網絡系統, 遭到黑客入侵. 涉及的資料包括綠色建築從業員的姓名, 公司電話, ...
在美國上市的主要港股預託證券(ADR)價格, 與港股昨日收市價比較, 普遍上升. 藍籌股當中, 長和(00001)ADR折合港元計, 收報38.95元, 較本港昨日收市低0.25元; 滙控(00005)ADR收報80.09元, 高1.44元; 港交所(00388)ADR收報295.45元, 高2.05元; 騰訊(00700)ADR收報383.55元, 高2.35元; 友邦(01299)ADR收報5 ...
金價收市上升. 美國總統特朗普呼籲降低利率後, 美元受壓, 市場注意力仍集中在其政策的廣泛影響上. 交投最活躍的紐約2月期金收報每安士 2,765美元, 跌5.9美元, 跌幅百分之0.2. 紐約現貨金報每安士2,753.19美元, 升幅百分之0.1.
在岸人民幣兌美元(CNY)收報7.2846元, 較周三夜市收市跌76點子. 成交量441億8900萬美元.
美國參議院投票確認, 拉特克利夫(John Ratcliffe)出任中央情報局局長的提名. 拉特克利夫在特朗普首個任期的最後八個月, 出任過國家情報總監(DNI). 在任期間曾遭到民主黨人和前情報官員指控, 他將情報解密以方便特朗普及其共和黨盟友, 用來攻擊政治對手, 當中包括當時和特朗普競逐總統的拜登(Joe Biden). 拉特克利夫的辦公室當時否認這項指控. 他曾在2020年向《華爾街日報》 ...