David Woodruff, a professor in CMU's Computer Science Department, and Samson Zhou from Texas A&M University received a ...
Carnegie Mellon is known for its stressful environment, and we realize that the pace and expectations of 15-213/15-513/14-513 can contribute to that stress. If you find yourself having trouble keeping ...
Textbooks Lectures are intended to be self-contained. For supplementary readings, with each lecture, we will have pointers to chapters from the following books: ...
ALGORITHMIC RESULTS IN LIST DECODING, Foundations and Trends® in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007. You can download a free copy of the book (for ...
Am a PhD student in Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University working with Prof. Alan Black. I actually consider myself the CTO of Alan Black Research Lab. I will design most of ...
In Blair Jackson's book on the Dead, Garcia is quoted as saying: "One day we were over at Phil's house...He had a big dictionary. I opened it and there was 'Grateful Dead', those words juxtaposed. It ...
This is a list of sites that maintain copies of the WWW version of "Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition". Please use the site that is closest to you.
Knowledge of 3-D object shape is important for robot manipulation, but may not be readily available in unstructured environments. We propose a framework that incrementally reconstructs tabletop 3-D ...
Nor did they have long to wait, for the next morning as Clayton was emerging on deck for his accustomed walk before breakfast, a shot rang out, and then another, and another. The sight which met his ...
The do special form provides a generalized iteration facility, with an arbitrary number of ``index variables.'' These variables are bound within the iteration and stepped in parallel in specified ways ...
This page is optional reading. Some students wish to know a little more about the Java programming language and this page is the simplest explanation that I can formulate. The textbook doesn't ...
Click here to return to the main Kodu Resources page. If you're browsing a page with links to Kodu worlds, when you click on a link the world will be downloaded, but what happens after that depends on ...