There it was. It was called the Great Auk, but at less than one meter tall, the black and white stuffed bird with its tiny wings certainly didn’t look that great. It didn’t stand out among the ...
The opening of the new UN trail in the Sonian Forest in Brussels was organised on 20 October 2024 by the UN and Sonian Forest Foundation ...
G7 Agricoltura: nel 2025 la FAO ospiterà la Conferenza Internazionale sulle Prospettive Globali sulle Indicazioni Geografiche La conferenza riunirà esperti e decisori politici per discutere ...
FAO: Director-General emphasizes the role of sustainable agrifood systems in solving current challenges. 30/09/2024 - Rome. The 29th Session of the Committee on Agriculture (COAG) opened today ...
The highlight of the UN’s presence at the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair was the panel titled “Storytelling is a Human Right" ...
Die UN-Naturschutzkonferenz COP16 hat begonnen. Erfahren Sie mehr über die aktuellen Schritte zur Umsetzung des globalen Naturschutzabkommens von Montreal.
Der Libanon ist mit den schwersten Feindseligkeiten seit dem Krieg von 2006 konfrontiert. Nach Angaben der nationalen Behörden wurden in der vergangenen Woche über eine Million Menschen vertrieben, 90 ...
As Lebanon faces the most intense hostilities since the 2006 war, over one million people have been displaced, 90% in the past week, according to national authorities. In response, the World Food ...
In einer Videobotschaft erklärte Guterres, die Zerstörung der Natur verschärfe weltweit Konflikte und Hungersnöte. Außerdem könne die Weltwirtschaft durch Umweltkatastrophen um jährlich Billionen US-D ...
Di seguito le Osservazioni del Segretario Generale Antonio Guterres all'evento riguardante gli SDG. THE SECRETARY-GENERAL REMARKS AT SDG MOMENT EVENT New York, 24 September 2024 Excellencies, dear ...
La Giornata Umanitaria Mondiale è un'occasione per onorare il coraggio e la dedizione degli operatori umanitari che lavorano instancabilmente per alleviare la sofferenza in... Il Messaggio del ...
Bandaríska forsetafrúin Claire Underwood hefur stungið höfðinu inn í ísskáp til að draga úr hitakófinu. Þetta atriði úr hinum vinsælu „House of Cards” þáttum er dæmigert fyrir þá klisju að tíðahvörf ...