Some games make their trophies extremely hard to get, but one thing is for certain — if someone does manage to grab every ...
Idea Factory International will release the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 versions of science-fiction roguelite ...
Watch the Scar-Lead Salvation announcement trailer for this upcoming sci-fi roguelite shooter game to see gameplay and get a ...
As was announced last month, an open beta test for upcoming fighter Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves is now available to ...
Some fans weren’t too surprised by this since there was still no price or PC system requirements announced, so they kind of ...
Space Marine 2 developers have announced a new community. If you manage to beat a challenge, you will get a Mk VIII helmet.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind was a perfectly fine retro-style beat-'em-up when it launched back in December, ...
Despite their flaws, these titles are well worth your time.
There's good news and bad news for Fortnite fans, as a new season of content is on the horizon, but only after a period of ...
The Battle Pass skins are named Cassidy Quinn, Joss, Fletcher Kane, Valentina, Big Dill, Keisha Cross and Sub-Zero. Outlaw ...
Total sales for Earth Defense Force 6 have surpassed 600,000 units worldwide, D3 Publisher and developer Sandlot announced.
Pixar’s Wall-E game may soon be free for PlayStation Plus users on PS5 and PS4. Recent leaks suggest its addition to the PS Plus Game Catalog. PlaySta ...