Helmed by the almost-director of Alien 3, David Twohy, Below follows a WWII submarine commander, Brice (Bruce Greenwood), who's tasked with retrieving soldiers from a sunken ship. The survivors ...
The Wisconsin Maritime Museum is home to the USS "Cobia," a 312-foot-long vessel that completed six war patrols during World ...
Eighty years after playing a pivotal role in World War II, the battle-hardened submarine is open to overnight ... screen a nautically-themed movie in the onboard theater, and stroll around at ...
Submerged takes place almost entirely onboard a World War II-era submarine, following just a ... the film as the actors ...
Walt Disney Studios designed over 30 submarine battle flags featuring cartoon-like sea creatures during World War II. While Disney didn't draw the cobia depicted on the USS Cobia's flag ...