CEDAR FALLS -- The Independent Order of Odd Fellow will host a Swiss steak and ham dinner Sunday. Food will be served from 10 ...
G oing to a steakhouse for a great steak dinner isn't always in the cards. So, we wanted to bring the steakhouse home to you ...
St. John's Lutheran Church of Ashippun will be hosting its annual Swiss steak dinner Sunday March 9 from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. St. John's is located on the corner of Hwy's 67 and EE just north of ...
Fish, spaghetti and Swiss steak dinners as well as Taylor Hicks in concert and Dine with Presidents on this week's ...
Breakfast isn't just for the morning (or even brunch), and we're going to be eating it all day long thanks to these easy ...
SWISS STEAK – Smith Grange plans a swiss steak dinner for 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday at 11090 Beloit Snodes Road. Carryout only. Meals are $14. Call for reservations at 330-257-2980 or 330-614 ...
National Vietnam Veterans Day: 2 p.m. Saturday, March 29, at the Morley Community Center, 151 7th St, Morley. Morley ...
The dolphin Francese is a tender, flaky, lightly battered filet of mahi sautéed to gold, perched on a mound of spaghetti.
BEACH CITY − Beach City American Legion Hall Post 549, 125 Third Ave. NE, will have a Swiss steak dinner Saturday from 4 to 6 p.m. (or when the food runs out). Drive-thru carryout only.