Telugu actor Vijaya Rangaraju, also known as Raj Kumar, passed away at the age of 70 due to a heart attack in Chennai. The ...
n his social media post, Shiva Rajkumar captioned the video, expressing deep appreciation for the support he had received throughout his recovery. "I am eternally grateful for all your love and ...
Kannada actor Shiva Rajkumar recently spoke about his health ... without disclosing the name of the illness. The 62-year-old actor told Raj News in Kannada that he will have to move to the ...
Puneeth Rajkumar, a prominent film actor from southern India ... when he was just 10 years old. A decade later, he appeared in "Appu" and continued starring in films, with his last movie ...
Shiva Rajkumar’s Bhairathi Ranagal, a neo-noir action thriller, is now available for streaming on Amazon Prime from December 25. The film, which follows the transformation of a lawyer into a ...
Kannada film actor Shiva Rajkumar who was last seen ... Shiv Rajkumar called his wife his biggest strength 62-year-old Shiv Rajkumar also talked about the support he received from people during ...
Kannada movie actor Shiva Rajkumar underwent surgery in the US to get his cancerous bladder removed. According to a report in Hindustan Times, Dr Murugesh Manoharan who performed the operation ...