The highly adaptable pitcher plant is facing threats in Sabah, with seven species listed as threatened on the International ...
Y ou’d have thought scientists would know about all of the extremely large tree species out there by now given that they’re, ...
At each moment of each day, the Amazon breathes, dances, and sings with an endless variety of plants and animals, many of ...
Imagine a world where the oxygen you need changes dramatically between day and night. Your world shifts from being rich in oxygen (oxic) in the day, so you have energy to hunt for food, to ...
EXPLORE Health Money Travel Food Style Book Club Classifieds #ZoomerDaily Policy & Perspective Arts & Entertainment Stars & ...
Tropical rainforests in Central and South America house one of the world’s most unique mammals, the slow-moving, tree-top ...
A previously unknown gigantic species has been discovered by researchers working in the remote Udzungwa Mountains of East ...
For Pennsylvania residents, Hershey Gardens represents an accessible escape, a chance to experience world-class horticulture ...
The loss of hundreds of Fish and Wildlife employees could have immediate and long-term impacts on wild places, including ...
Instead of feeding on blood, it hunts down and devours worms, particularly the Kinabalu Giant Earthworm ( Pheretima darnleiensis ), which can grow up to 70cm (2.3 feet) long! As its name suggests, the ...
The world has never been more accessible to humans, but it seems that one island is completely out of the question. Located ...
The world of big cats is as fascinating as it is diverse. Each species comes with its own unique traits, but a common thread ...