Latter-day Saint Emily Jensen explores what messages are sent in the faith's new essay on "Women's Service and Leadership in ...
“There is no documented revelation related to the origin of the priesthood and temple restriction,” the new article states.
Popular podcaster explains why, even after resigning from the LDS Church, she doesn't see herself as an "ex-Mormon." ...
Women are second-class citizens in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, guest columnist Emily W. Jensen concludes ...
Local leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints delivered a letter to the mayor of Fairview, Texas regarding ...
Valerie and Nathan Hamaker, co-hosts of ‘Latter Day Struggles,’ have resigned their LDS church membership rather than attend ...
Ben Watson is a direct descendant of one of the men involved in Joseph Smith's murder and owns the sword that belonged to his ...
Regional lay leader calls on mayor and Town Council to honor downsized design, but the compromise plan has done little to ...
The LDS church’s general handbook states that “abuse cannot be tolerated in any form” and that “when abuse occurs, the first and immediate responsibility of Church leaders is to help those ...
Elder Hamilton, Elder Bragg, Elder Nattress and Elder Alvarado talked about what they wish more Church members understood about temple and family history work.
To stave off a possible lawsuit against the town of Fairview, a local leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is formally seeking reassurance from the Town Council that it would ...
Stake president asks town’s mayor and council to honor mediated November agreement ‘that would make it unnecessary for us to ...