Buried for over 2,500 years, a collection of intricately crafted jewelry from the Dynasty 26 has resurfaced at Karnak Temple.
The Pyramids of Egypt have been greeting the rising sun for ever 5000 years and the Horemakhet (Great Sphinx), for over 8000 ...
Imagine starting your morning sipping coffee by the Red Sea, and by afternoon standing at the foot of the mighty Karnak ...
These historical trade arteries connect cities and castles, palaces and pagodas and they provide easy transport routes ...
You think you know the world and all its wonders and then one day someone comes along and uncovers a previously unknown ...
Der majestätische Nil, mit seinen beeindruckenden 6.850 Kilometern der längste Fluss der Welt, lädt uns zu einer unvergesslichen Ägypten Rundreise mit Nilkreuzfahrt ein. Während wir an den letzten ver ...
Um 1500 vor Christus - Amenophis III. treibt den Wohlstand Ägyptens weiter an. Als größter Bauherr seiner Zeit errichtet der zahlreiche Prachtbauten.
From mysterious artifacts to giant megaliths, discoveries that promise to reveal our past have completely baffled the ...
4-Days Nile Cruise From Aswan To Luxor including Abu Simbel and Hot Air Balloon (2797 reviews) Luxor: Valley of Kings, Hatchepsut Temple , Karnak & Luxor-DayTour (567 reviews) ...
Ma’at was a fundamental concept in ancient Egyptian society. It can be understood as “the rightness of things” and was a ...
Among the greatest marvels of Ancient Egypt is the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza, the last remaining of the seven wonders of ...