A People on the Move, a new four-part series hosted by Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., tells the story of African American movement over the 20th and 21st centuries. We spoke with the series ...
There’s a sense of pride for many Americans in our identity as a melting pot. But until the early part of the 20th Century, ...
There was a time 70 years ago when Braceville, a rural township in Trumbull County, may have had the largest rural Black ...
Today’s push for school vouchers highlights America’s long and sometimes forgotten history of resisting integration in the classroom.
Henry Louis Gates Jr. explores the personal and historic aspects of the mass movement of Black Southerners to the North known as the Great Migration.
With thousands of acres burned and homes lost, this historic L.A. suburb finds nourishment and solace through local food.
A PEOPLE ON THE MOVE, a new history series from Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The 4-part series examines the powerful influence of ...
For many African Americans who built their lives and businesses in historically Black communities like Altadena, the combined ...
It has also been plausibly argued that the Great Migration of millions of African Americans from the rural South to the factories in the North would not have happened if factory owners had been ...