Kannada film 'Bhagiratha is set for a February 7 release. Songs was launched by Dr. Rajkumar's family while the trailer was ...
When an Indian couple was walking the streets of China, they were surprised to hear a Kannada song from Dr Rajkumar's film ‘Gandhada Gudi’ being played at a supermarket. They couldn't resist ...
Dr Rajkumar, a noted Kannada singer-actor’s popular hit was recently played in one of China’s local markets. Netizens were in ...
The song featured in the video is ‘Navaduva Nudiye’, a celebrated track from the iconic Kannada movie ‘Gandhada Gudi’.
Concluding his speech, Arya honored the legacy of Kannada poet Rashtrakavi Kuvempu, quoting a line from a famous song sung by ...