Cat and dog owners will soon be able to bring pets on board the light rail on weekends and public holidays once the MTR Corporation rolls out a ...
Here’s what never to give your fur baby, including foods, beverages and artificial sweeteners that can be deadly.
Congratulations on surviving another winter. OK, winter is the favorite season for a select few but every time the ...
Just look at the 19-year-old cat in this video. Her mom had been away for the weekend, leaving her husband and teenage kid to ...
Many unhealthy habits only affect us, but this particular habit can make animals ranging from dogs and cats to birds and fish ...
When your dog sleeps, it reveals a lot about how it feels around you. Even when you’re not around, dog sleeping positions can ...
Panting opens the mouth and helps to evaporate fluid ... a schedule that allows her to have a dog of her own (for now it is two Siberian cats) and loves learning about dog breeds and dog behavior.
Living with a cat or dog a person is allergic to can be difficult. But an allergist says there are ways to get relief, and ...
While often portrayed as mortal enemies, cats and dogs can not only live together in harmony but become best friends a 2020 ...
Pet owners are also advised to keep a pet first aid kit at home, including sterile bandages and gauze, saline solution for ...
Ask the Shelter is a weekly feature aimed at pet education. If you have a question, contact Jennifer Vanderau, public relations coordinator, for the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter, at ...
“Traveling by dog team has a sound,” he says. “The dogs are panting lightly, you can see the vapor from their breath. There ...