In an interview with Digital Trends, Flying Lotus grapples with space exploration, explains his decision to act, and ...
We had a beautiful lunch at his house,” she told the outlet of a meal she shared with Lynch and Blue Velvet and Inland Empire ...
No one since the Beatles has done more to raise TM's pop-cultural profile than the director, who died in January and leaves ...
The temporary exhibition opens Friday, March 21, and runs through Sept. 7. A special ticket ($7-$9) is required on top of ...
A David Lynch Retrospective” opens Wednesday, April 23 with a 35 millimeter print of his first feature-length film, the ...
Lynch attracted so much attention and interest in part because he stood out as an expressive, undoubtedly unusual figure in ...
Denis Villeneuve and David Lynch are known for their styles of directing, so there are big differences between the modern and ...
Where better to lay out PBR and cherry pie as an offering to film god David Lynch? “Together in Dreams: A Tribute to David ...
The death of David Lynch, who shaped decades of film and TV, is bound to hurt. Rediscovering a show called The OA helps, with ...
David Lynch died in January having never won an Academy Award. Don’t ask me to explain or rationalize it, because I can’t. The legendary director, writer and artist was nominated four times ...