In this article I invite you to the subregion of “Catatumbo”, from the amazement and fatigue in the face of the conflict that does not cease but also to the hope and commitment for a necessary but so ...
After finding refuge and building power in Venezuela, a decades-old rebel group has waged the worst violence in Colombia in a ...
After finding refuge and building power in Venezuela, a decades-old rebel group has waged the worst violence in Colombia in a ...
Failed peace negotiations and the battle for control over valuable territory have produced an unprecedented humanitarian ...
As Colombia escalates its military operations against the ELN guerrilla after weeks of violence in Catatumbo region, ...
y el área metropolitana de Cúcuta. El decreto relativo a la designación del comandante militar para el Catatumbo es uno de los nueve que Petro publicó entre el miércoles y el jueves luego de ...
2.078 en Cúcuta, 1.098 en San Calixto, 954 en Ocaña, 495 en Tibú, 414 en Ábrego y el resto en otros municipios de la región. Hay 10.000 soldados desplegados en el Catatumbo. Foto ...
The conflict in the rural Catatumbo region, where the Colombian state has struggled for decades to gain a foothold, has left at least 80 people dead and 40,000 others displaced over the past 10 days, ...
The mountains of Catatumbo in eastern Colombia are so dangerous that the police and army generally don’t stray far from their barracks for fear of snipers.Most Read from BloombergWhat Happened to ...
Se cumplen 8 días de la crisis humanitaria que enfrenta la zona del Catatumbo, pero el Gobierno ... los diversos problemas son el alcalde de Cúcuta y Gobernador, dijo a RCN la personera de ...
The river, and thus the Catatumbo region itself, overflows into neighboring ... regarding the crisis suffered in Catatumbo and in the rural and metropolitan area of Cúcuta,” he added. Dismantling ...
El decreto lo dice en varios apartes del texto: lo que se vive en la región del Catatumbo ... afecta a la capital de Norte de Santander, Cúcuta, a donde ha llegado el mayor afluente de ...