Service dogs trained in North Carolina prisons are changing lives, not just for the people who need them, but for the inmates ...
Researchers examining British Labrador retrievers have identified multiple genes connected to canine obesity. The ...
The specially trained dogs detected human presence at the D-2 point, located approximately 100 metres from the accident site ...
Norovirus cases typically increase through autumn and into winter, but this year cases have risen earlier than usual and are ...
The findings suggest that dogs do not merely follow commands mechanically but try to interpret human intentions, ...
People have been amazed by footage of tiny puppies being tested for their suitability as potential candidates for scent-based ...
Uttam Kumar Reddy commended the relentless efforts of all involved and assured full support to the families of the trapped ...
A recently published study found that companion dogs did not seem to show “any patterns of daylight saving time adjustment,” ...
The Dog Aging Project has been testing whether rapamycin - a drug that helps prevent rejection in human organ transplants - ...
Howl-lelujah! Dogs and humans are fatter than ever — it’s no surprise that overweight people tend to have overweight dogs.
A massive study of fraternal and identical twins has surprisingly concluded that much of our emotional response toward dogs is genetic.