Secretary Maria Antonia Yulo Loyzaga of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued a landmark ...
Non-chemical approaches to managing plant stress are gaining increased importance as the agricultural sector seeks sustainable alternatives to chemical ...
JAMMU: The government has acknowledged the importance of saffron as a key cash crop in Jammu and Kashmir, playing a pivotal ...
The idea of owning the room" is outdate. The most effective leaders created an environment where "co-owning the room" is the norm.
For most organisms on Earth, rocks are objects, not food. But for one oddball microbe, desert limestone seems to have been on ...
Abiotic factors are non-living chemical and physical elements in the environment, which affect individual organisms as well as ecosystems. Examples are UV, IR and visible light, radiation ...
To rule out the involvement of microbial processes (biotic pathways ... confirming the abiotic nature of the photochemodenitrification process. To identify the substrates involved in the ...
Dr. Ashley Adams, assistant professor in Appalachian State University’s Department of Biology, is conducting research on soil ...
Fungal samples were stored at −20 °C to halt fungal activity, while abiotic samples were stored as wet pastes at room temperature prior to analysis, sealed with Kimwipes dampened with sterile MQ water ...