Police investigating the murder of an InfoWars reporter in Austin this week said he was likely the victim of a random car ...
Jamie White, 36, was fatally shot in a parking lot in Austin, Texas, police said. Alex Jones said the killing "could've been ...
Police in Austin, Texas, say Infowars reporter Jamie White may have been killed by burglars outside his apartment in the wee ...
A homicide investigation is underway after a reporter for the conspiracy theory platform InfoWars was shot dead outside his ...
What happened to 'InfoWars' reporter Jamie White? He was killed near his Texas apartment. Alex Jones partially blames ...
The Austin Police Department said Jamie White was shot and killed in the parking lot of his apartment complex, possibly by ...
Alex Jones has reported that a journalist for his website Infowars has been killed near his Texas apartment in a suspected ...
Alex Jones broke news of the tragedy on Monday on ... he succumbed to his injuries about half an hour later. One of the car windows was broken, and the police found blood inside the vehicle.
March 9—likely died from a car robbery gone wrong. The Travis County District Attorney's office and Infowars have been contacted for comment via email. Alex Jones speaks to the media after ...
Slain InfoWars writer Jamie White was shot dead outside of his Austin, Texas apartment in a botched car burglary, authorities ...
Jamie White, an InfoWars journalist who was described by far-right shock jock Alex Jones as his “best” reporter, was “brutally murdered” late Sunday night near his home in Austin, Texas. Andrea Cavall ...