It’s needed, the government in Warsaw says, because Russia and Belarus are waging a particular kind of hybrid warfare: ...
In the fall, the Russians could deploy half a million soldiers to Kaliningrad and Belarus, and in the winter, they could ...
Poland plans a 600-kilometre military defence line along its borders with Belarus and the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad by ...
NATO sources told the Finnish newspaper Iltalehti that Russia will try to create a 'buffer zone' stretching from the Arctic ...
ROSENBERG: Coming to a standstill in Kaliningrad One option would be to disconnect Lithuania from the electricity network it shares with Russia, Belarus and the other Baltic states, although ...
Poland intends to build a road to the border with the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation ... to complete the construction of the border wall and close the border with Belarus by next summer.
Ukraine enhances border security with Belarus through the "Safe Border" initiative, focusing on fortifications and ...
Difficult times require bold decisions [and] leadership. We call on our allies to follow this lead,” says Baltic nation’s ...
What has happened since December? From December 1, mandatory pre-registration for trucks comes into force on the Lithuania-Belarus border and the Kaliningrad region of Russia. Truck drivers are ...
Polish border guards look east into Belarus at the crossing point Połowce-Pieszczatka in Polowce, Poland on Jan 16. (AP) ...