Any unopened jars can be stored in a cool, dark cupboard, it keeps for more than 3 years! See Delia's recipe for Home-made ...
Each year Lindsey receives many questions from our lovely members, often the same subjects come up year after year. So we ...
Hello Linsey. I'm going to make the Sausages with Puy Lentils, but would like to check if can these be frozen please? Many ...
Hi Lindsey I have been cooking Delia’s classic Christmas cake for many years and it’s a family favourite. Unfortunately, ...
Hiya Not sure if this is an obvious question or not...but Christmas Chutney - if I wanted to make double the quantity, do I ...
The golden syrup, ground ginger and mixed spice all give a wonderful, depth to the flavour - just right for a chilly evening.
Are the amaretti biscuits in the chocolate amaretti cake the soft or hard ones? Thank you ...
Our cake this week is a great autumn cake, and it ticks so many boxes.
I usually make Delia’s traditional Christmas pudding but now have a Gaggenau steam oven so would I cook @ 100C with 100% humidity for the same time or less?
Good morning I am cooking, 15th year now, Delias Christmas Pudding, it’s the best recipe still to date! However I’m using the Masterclass carbon steel steamer. Will this still require an 8 hour steam ...
I was thinking of doing my Christmas pudding in the slow cooker to save on energy costs of steaming for 8 hours. How long would it take in the slow cooker…still 8 hours?
Hi, Why are steamed xmas puddings now covered with foil, rather than using a cotton cloth? Why does the foil and paper have to be changed after steaming. My mother used to cover the basin with ...