Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the many entrants not included. “Time does not exist without change,” said Aristotle. Until recently, most physicists and cosmologists agreed with him.
Patrick Cannon uses a popular setting to explain Kant’s metaphysics. It’s Friday night and you’re at the bar. It’s packed. You snake through the sea of bodies. “Ah! There’s a free spot!” exclaims your ...
Derek Harrison compares radically alternative visions of the absolute. “I saw eternity the other night. Like a great ring of pure and endless light.” – Henry Vaughan Vaughan’s simile is an attempt to ...
Steve Torrance asks if robots need minds to be moral producers or moral consumers. Robots present an interesting double picture. We can see them simply as our tools, as things we use. Alternatively we ...
Mikhail Epstein sees a bright future for metaphysics in the hi-tech age. “Numerous universes might have been botched and bungled throughout an eternity, ere this system was struck out; much labor lost ...
Eric Walther introduces the infamous iconoclast. Friedrich Nietzsche, who was born in 1844, fell silent in 1889, and died eleven years later, was the first great philosopher of the twentieth century.
Van Harvey on the metaphysical aspects of an anti-metaphysical philosophy. Friedrich Nietzsche shared at least one fundamental concern with the religions and metaphysical systems that he so criticized ...
Raymond Boisvert extols an under-rated virtue. Liberal education is, as its etymology suggests, education for a free people. ‘Schooling’, from the Greek word for leisure, is for those with time and ...
Wendy Lynne Lee says consumerism really is the end of the world. Science, argued John Dewey, is ‘an instrumentality of the arts’. What he seems to have meant is that science is not only about seeking ...
Richard Floyd explains a notorious example of Wittgenstein’s public thought. Wittgenstein is certainly a special case. He is perhaps the only philosopher who could have produced an argument for which ...
Sophia Gottfried meditates on the emptiness of non-existence. In philosophy there is a lot of emphasis on what exists. We call this ontology, which means, the study of being. What is less often ...
Eugene Earnshaw saves Western philosophy. It was a few years ago that I solved the biggest problem in philosophy. I was teaching undergraduates, and I wanted to blow their minds a little, tear down ...