Lego, X-Mansion
The new animated special follows Dennis, a member of Damage Control (the group that cleans up messes after battles) who has a ...
Fans of Lego and Marvel can celebrate, as the block producer has announced that the result of their collaboration will soon ...
Now, this iconic Marvel location is coming as a LEGO deluxe set, complete with several X-Men, their enemy Magneto, and a ...
This Lego set is so big it can fit another Lego set inside of it. Now its 30% off. Its 4,049 pieces of Lego fun and stands 21 ...
Marvel is kicking off its partnership with popular tabletop card game Magic: The Gathering with the release of sets featuring ...
Mission Demolition trailer for this animated special and the tenth entry in the popular signature branded storytelling series. In the new special from Marvel Studios and the LEGO Group, a young, ...