“It’s almost certain that a ship strike killed that whale.” According to NOAA, vessel strikes and entanglement in fishing gear are the biggest threats to sei whales, an endangered species ...
WWF believes it preferable, and of greater potential conservation to cetaceans, to now address all of the threats to cetacean populations, particularly that of bycatch. In 2003 scientists from the U.S ...
Sei whales, which typically inhabit offshore, deep-water areas, are still classified as endangered on the International Union for Conservation’s Red List of Threatened species The coastal waters ...
OTTAWA, ON, March 6, 2025 /CNW/ - Canada's west coast is home to one of the most iconic and recognizable marine species - the Southern Resident killer whale. This species faces imminent threats to ...
On July 1, Japan announced commercial whaling quotas authorizing the annual slaughter of 25 sei whales, 187 Bryde’s whales, and 171 minke whales. The IWC’s underlying treaty, the International ...
A new report from the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) and partners provides the first truly comprehensive look at whale migrations and the threats they face across all oceans A new report ...
They include blue, sei, fin, minke and Bryde’s whales. These whales — which are usually found in the open ocean — are distinguished by their slender, streamlined bodies, which are adapted ...
Japan caught 30 fin whales this season, half the quota of 60, alongside 294 minke, Bryde's, and sei whales—below the ... and climate change as potential threats to whale populations.
A sei whale in front of the distinctive backdrop of Cape Pembroke. Photos: Caroline Weir Acoustic research by wildlife charity, Falklands Conservation (FC), and the non-profit African Aquatic ...
we can take proactive measures to mitigate these threats,” said John Warner, CEO of Marine Mammal Care Center Los Angeles. “Whales are threatened by human activities throughout the world ...
The Humpback Whale has been recorded off Pulau Redang in Terengganu, Pulau Pangkor in Perak, and Miri, Sarawak, while a Sei Whale was stranded on Pulau ... presence signals a healthy marine ecosystem, ...