It’s been no secret that repeated bumps to the head—even trivial ones—can have long-lasting consequences. Football players, ...
You may want to think twice, according to a new study that found a link between bad psychedelic trips and a more than twofold increased risk of death within five years. “There’s a lot of media ...
“These studies, by their design, cannot definitively establish whether it is the bad experience with the psychedelic that’s setting people up for increased mortality,” Dr. Charles ...
The fallout from the F.D.A.’s rejection of MDMA-assisted treatment for PTSD worries researchers and experts who fear other psychedelic drugs in the pipeline could be jeopardized. By Andrew ...
A more recent study published in 2023 in the same journal compared the experiences of a person who had both a near-death experience and a trip on 5-MeO-DMT, a powerful psychedelic cousin of DMT ...