One common hedge plant that can cause problems is the Chinese privet, otherwise known as Ligustrum sinense,' says Reese Robbins, garden expert and creator of Just Pure Gardening. Considered an ...
The berries of these shrubs are distributed by birds, and when they arrive in your lawn, they sprout up easily and spread fast. Burning is one eco-friendly option for removing Chinese privet.
Britain’s largest police force is encouraging burglary victims to plant particular varieties of shrubs as a natural barrier ...
The Metropolitan Police have suggested that burglary victims should plant 17 kinds of shrub in their gardens in a bid to ...
The Privet family includes multiple species, cultivars, and hybrids of privets that are often planted ornamentally but have a tendency to escape into natural habitats. KISMA focuses mainly on the ...
The Orange, Martin, and Daviess County Soil & Water Conservation districts (SWCDs) announce a new program in 2025 targeting ...
including climbing roses and privet shrubs, to homeowners in order to “create a natural defence against burglary”. The leaflet explains: “Planting particular shrubs (in their mature or semi ...
Spring is upon us as trees are starting to bud out, new herbaceous plants are starting to appear and wildflowers pop up.