Complexity in an organism is often defined by biologists as the number ... This new finding, which has the potential to rewrite biology textbooks, was published last month in the Proceedings of the ...
The tour of Stanford’s Laboratory of Organismal Biology, also known as the O’Connell Lab, included the fly curing room, ...
In biology and life, organisms have a basic drive to reproduce and every living thing needs energy. This is the topic for ...
BL 1100 - General Biology I: Introduction to Organismal Biology, Ecology, and Evolution A discussion of the principles of ecology and organismal biology, using the theme of physiological ecology and ...
BIOL.2400 Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation is recommended as the OEE elective for the Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology option as it is a pre-requisite for upper-level Ecology, Evolution ...
The EEOB Option emphasizes organismal diversity, ecology, and evolution in courses with outdoor field experiences and hands-on lab courses. The EEOB Option is suited for students interested in ...
One of the largest departments at Miami University, our Department of Biology provides a rich education in fields ranging from molecular to global biology. Our faculty will take you beyond the lecture ...
Biologists study the structure and functions of living organisms, from the individual cell to the whole organism and communities. In the past three decades, advances in molecular biology and genetics ...
This is a central pursuit in evolutionary biology as it is relevant to key concepts such as speciation and the ability of an organism to adapt. What determines variation in the mutation rate and ...