And it was their relentless, questing pursuit of excellence which inspired their finest artistic achievement. “Leviathan, the ...
Mastodon’s Brann Dailor says the band’s new album is “all over the place” musically. The singer/drummer talks about what to expect from the Savannah sludge/prog crew’s next record in the ...
Herman Melville’s 1851 novel Moby-Dick has inspired a lot of art over the decades: Two examples are Mastodon’s 2004 heavy metal classic Leviathan and, more recently, composer Jake Heggie’s ...
When we got wind of the fact that Mastodon are getting ready to release a live album, Live at the Aragon, next month, one of our — well, maybe really just my — biggest concerns was the vocals. When ...
The new Mastodon album may tell the story of “a desert-like version of the Grim Reaper” as a metaphor for cancer, but that doesn’t mean the band have lost their sense of humor: they’ve released two ...