TWO "magnificent" fishing spots in Scotland have been named among the best in the UK. The locations, which are perfect for ...
Aimee Todd, the Loch Ness Centre's marketing manager, told USA Today that when the image was taken on Jan. 29, the water was ...
Muddy Stilettos, a digital lifestyle platform, has named the "Best Places to Live" in the UK - and Perth is the only Scottish city or town to feature in the list ...
A man on the shores of Scotland's Dores Beach said he saw the elusive Loch Ness monster emerging from the depths of the loch, the first potential Nessie sighting reported to The Loch Ness Centre ...
Discussing Loch Leven, the newspaper described it as a "magnificent" 3600-acre body of water that is the "flagship" of Scotland's still-water fly fishing. The generally shallow and "very fertile ...
At the head of beautiful Loch Long in Argyll sits one of Scotland's biggest plastic problems. A combination of prevailing winds and the rotation of the earth drive litter up the loch to create ...
Across most of Scotland, runoff from land is the main ... The estimated cost of a single outbreak at Loch Leven, based on loss of income to the fishery, hotels, restaurants, and other local ...
NatureScot, Scotland’s nature agency ... bird’s eye view of the entire bog and snow-capped mountains beyond. Loch Leven, Perth & Kinross – 21km route accessible from various points.
A man on Scotland's Dores Beach said he saw the Loch Ness monster in January, the first potential sighting reported to The Loch Ness Centre in 2025.