Library and Information Science is the integration of technology to create, manage, organize and use information. It makes information accessible to people, communities, businesses and organizations.
The new CEO said he has no plans to purge the library's collection of any specific books or materials and has no plans to alter its policies for how books ...
The film features a conversation about library responsibilities and rules among students and a librarian. A student named Donna is asked about returning a book, highlighting the importance of ...
I support Megan Butman, Daniel Suber and Bruce Brigell, candidates for the Oak Park Public Library Board of Trustees in the coming April 1 election. The candidates’ backgrounds in library science and ...
The fully-accredited Master's program in Information and Library Science, focuses on enabling you to seek professional employment in a wide range of information careers in the United States, and ...
Shapiro Library provides online access to leading business, science, education, and arts and sciences databases. Our selection of over 250 databases contains full-text journals, magazines, reports and ...
Match 14, the library is hosting a free science program where kids can learn how to build a DNA model and extract the DNA of ...