EXCLUSIVE: In what turned into one of the more competitive open directing assignments of the year, sources tell Deadline Joe Wright has landed the highly-coveted directing job for the AI thriller ...
Director Joe Wright talks to Christiane Amanpour about his new series following the rise of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and why he thinks it’s incredibly timely for today’s audiences.
Joe Wright , the director of Atonement and Darkest Hour is set to helm an AI thriller film titled Alignment for Fifth Season, ...
World premieres of Alfonso Cuarón's Disclaimer, Joe Wright's M. Son of the Century ... Mussolini's rise to lead Italy in 1922 ...
Director Joe Wright signals his intent early on in M. Son of the Century, his eight-part series on the rise of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. "Follow me," Luca Marinelli, playing Mussolini ...
Mussolini is really dark, but he also employed humour,” says the show’s English director, Joe Wright. Based on the bestselling novel of the same name, Son of the Century drives home how ...
Premiering at the Venice Film Festival later this month, Joe Wright's "M. Son of the Century ... Son of the Century" is led ...
EXCLUSIVE: In what turned into one of the more competitive open directing assignments of the year, sources tell Deadline Joe Wright has landed the highly-coveted directing job for the AI thriller ...