In natural and agricultural ecosystems, omnivorous insects are omnipresent. Whether they are 'true omnivores' that require both plant and prey resources to complete their life-cycle, 'herbivores ...
Conserving insects is the first step towards protecting the planet. What better place to learn that the only insect ecology and conservation undergraduate program in the entire nation? Insects are ...
This minor gives students insights into the biology, ecology, and conservation of insects and wildlife. The program is open to students in any UD major except for Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (WC ...
In the heart of Brazil, an ancient network of termite mounds stretches across an area so vast it can be seen from space.
Our research studies the interactions between organisms and their abiotic, ecological and social environment. Insect Ecology and Adaptation - research group studies diverse topics of insect ecology ...
The famed evolutionary biologist Leigh Van Valen once said that “evolution is the control of development by ecology.” Nowhere is that clearer than in a new database of measurements of more than 10,000 ...
The databases are almost unique in biology in scope; they cover all known species and have begun to accumulate everything known about the world’s species (images, distribution, habitat, ecology ...
In a new study published in Ecology Letters, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology and the ...
Some insects, such as butterflies ... Herbivory and plant defenses in tropical forests. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 27, 305-335 (1996). Dawkins, R. & Krebs, J. Arms races between ...
We estimate that about 80 percent of the Goliathus cacicus population has been wiped out in Côte d'Ivoire if we consider the ...
After a couple of years at the University of Lund on a Marie Curie Fellowship (2018-2020), I am now back in Helsinki as the leader of the Insect Symbiosis Ecology and Evolution research group. I ...